About me?

I'm a college student in Surabaya. I want to become great entrepreneur that's why I choose S1-Business Information System majors in iSTTS.
Name : Antonius Henry Setiawan
NRP : 209180174

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

People and Problems

People is a problem. Do you ever think that if people never exist the problem won't be turn up.
No one will be happy after read this. Hell yeah who cares? I don't think we can live in this world 1000 years ago. There's always new problem and the problem getting complex and more complex.

People is dangerous. even they can't live alone, but they can't live together with other people too. Yeah you know what I mean. This is only my opinion and I don't care if you mad at me. Cause I tell you the truth. Maybe not the truth (Hell yeah who know the truth?).

Just between people and people. I hope this world gonna change to something good. Who can heal the world? MJ? haha.. He is already dead. Yeah we can all waiting until he raises from his grave maybe? Ohh.. never mind just forget what I said.

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