About me?

I'm a college student in Surabaya. I want to become great entrepreneur that's why I choose S1-Business Information System majors in iSTTS.
Name : Antonius Henry Setiawan
NRP : 209180174

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

JAVA Programming Language

Learn Java isn't difficult. You just need to know the syntax and practice more and more. That's way we can learn it. Like learning another language e.g. korean, jappanese, chinese, etc.
We must practice more and more to learn it. I will give you a tutorial and some exercise to improve your skills. I will update my blog under JAVA labels. so please read it if you interesting in JAVA.
I don't have much time right now, because I must finish some assignment first. I will continue write about JAVA programming language when I have a time :)
Hope you can understand this.

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