About me?

I'm a college student in Surabaya. I want to become great entrepreneur that's why I choose S1-Business Information System majors in iSTTS.
Name : Antonius Henry Setiawan
NRP : 209180174

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Human's Problems

Sometimes Human can be depressed. It might be because works, study, and many other thing that affect this. I also have the same problem, and until now I don't know hot to solve this problem.
But maybe you can try this.
Try to do an activity that make you feels happy.
Don't force yourself to forget the problems, but force yourself to finish the problems.
Try to relax and make yourself like in a heaven.

Maybe not helping you to solve your problem. Everyone has a problem. different people different problems.

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Razer Giveaway

Wow. this is the coolest thing I know. I really interested in this gaming mouse. But I can't buy it, yeah the price is so expensive and there's another thing I must bought... But there's a chance to get this impressive gaming mouse. They will give it to us for free, if we lucky of course. They will pick randomly some people to get this chance. Do you want it? :)

Open the link yourself if you don't believe this news from me :)
Razer Giveaway

JAVA Programming Language

Learn Java isn't difficult. You just need to know the syntax and practice more and more. That's way we can learn it. Like learning another language e.g. korean, jappanese, chinese, etc.
We must practice more and more to learn it. I will give you a tutorial and some exercise to improve your skills. I will update my blog under JAVA labels. so please read it if you interesting in JAVA.
I don't have much time right now, because I must finish some assignment first. I will continue write about JAVA programming language when I have a time :)
Hope you can understand this.

People and Problems

People is a problem. Do you ever think that if people never exist the problem won't be turn up.
No one will be happy after read this. Hell yeah who cares? I don't think we can live in this world 1000 years ago. There's always new problem and the problem getting complex and more complex.

People is dangerous. even they can't live alone, but they can't live together with other people too. Yeah you know what I mean. This is only my opinion and I don't care if you mad at me. Cause I tell you the truth. Maybe not the truth (Hell yeah who know the truth?).

Just between people and people. I hope this world gonna change to something good. Who can heal the world? MJ? haha.. He is already dead. Yeah we can all waiting until he raises from his grave maybe? Ohh.. never mind just forget what I said.

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Ghost Trapper (Auto Hunt Updated)

Well, after sometimes there's new updated script for Ghost Trapper Auto Hunt.
It's now compatibility with the new link of Ghost Trapper.

New Features :
- Hunt stops whenever you run out of whisky now
- More elements and edited timer on tab title
- Auto Daily Reward submitter
- Auto assist when you are on a Ghost Monster journal page with assist button and auto close
- A configurations menu opened by a javascript hyperlink at the top
- Notes that appear for every new items in case of new updates such as the menu
- Update Alerter

If you love to use the script : http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/82046

Happy hunting agents ^^