About me?

I'm a college student in Surabaya. I want to become great entrepreneur that's why I choose S1-Business Information System majors in iSTTS.
Name : Antonius Henry Setiawan
NRP : 209180174

Senin, 04 Januari 2010

The Best For You

Hello World,

This is my first blog.
I don't know what to write on my blog and I'm very nervous.

Let me introducing myself.
My name is Antonius Henry Setiawan.
But please just call me Henry.
I am a college student in STTS.
My majors is Business Information System.
NRP = 209180174 <-- (It's just for assignment requirement) :)

I decide to make this blog with the title "From Me To You" because I want to dedicate my experience and my knowledge just for you and all people who need the contains in my blog.

I hope this blog can be special for you because I will offer something special just for you.

I will share an information that I know and I will accept any suggestion and criticism.

Finally, Let's enjoy this blog ^_^

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